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Unsung Hero

Friends know I like to tell that story of my mom's forgetting to pick me up after choir practice at the church when I was a kid. It wasn't a random forgetful moment, but a regular occurrence that eventually turned into a ritual of my getting rides home with the choir director, arriving just as dinner was being placed on the table and my mom's "Oh, Beth, when did you get home?" To which I disdainfully replied, "It's forgot me at choir...again..." 

I recalled this experience to a dear friend and colleague, Dottie, who knew my mom professionally, to which she replied, "I'm sure that never happened, your mom is so organized!"

Which is the time we were speaking, she was teaching a time management course to the undergraduate students at Bryn Mawr College. I smiled at my friend as we waited for mom to pick me up after work (we both worked at Bryn Mawr and car-pooled.)

After about 15 minutes, I turned to Dottie  and said, "I bet she forgot me."

She replied, "She'd never forget you. She just got held up." Several minutes later Mom arrived and Dottie related my comment.

Mom's reply? "I got almost to Rosemont before I remembered her!" 


It's a story of being a third child. By the time my parents had me they were parenting alumni, what I brought in challenges, they seemed to overcome with experience and a typically 1970s laissez faire parenting style that would dismay my own children. For example, by the time I was in high school the rule was you miss the bus, you get yourself to school—walk, ride a bike, take the train—they'd write a note, but wouldn't provide transportation. I learned my senior year how quickly damp hair freezes in cold weather when you run for the bus. My girls would be appalled.  And yet, in these cases, I never felt neglected, unloved, or dismissed.

Nor did I truly ever appreciate my mother, having only recently come to a point in my life where I am in utter amazement at all that she did. At a time when many of my friends' moms were homemakers, Mom worked "part-time" as a physical educator at Immaculata College, co-owned and directed several field hockey and lacrosse camps, served as chair of the township Park and Rec Board, sang in the church choir, had an active social life playing tennis and skiing with friends, AND had a home cooked meal on the table every night...E-V-E-R-Y night. Then she cleaned up after dinner, typed my last minute papers for school, and relaxed in front of the TV, setting her hair to Johnny Carson.

The dinner on the table every night has me in awe as the Carey family routinely has dinner "on your own" or "make do" meals, sometimes out of necessity of timing, many times out of sheer fatigue.

And that big mahogany dinner table literally expanded as needed. Besides the five Shillingfords, we were joined daily by my grandmother and Uncle Willie, who both lived with us. And myriad others dropped in—neighborhood kids and friends who happened to be there at serving time, an occasional colleague or student of Mom's...

But there in the center of it all was Mom—svelte and poised, always ready to make an eloquent speech or to offer advice, be a friend or a mother, whatever was needed in the moment. She's still there, now chief champion and defender of the clan, with my dad, attending every concert, award ceremony, performance, meet, or game for her grandchildren and still mothering the three of us through our various struggles and cheering on our triumphs.

Parenting doesn't shape children in the way any parent expects it to—children are shaped incrementally by breaths and moments crystallized in time and tattooed on their psyche. I don't know if my mother forgot me at choir because I was an independent child, whom she could confidently assume would find her way home or if I became an independent woman because my mother allowed me to find my own way. It doesn't matter. I am ever grateful for the lesson. And my knowledge of her belief in me. 



Friendship & Gratitude

A friend I spoke with yesterday told me how great it was that my girls got to see me as someone other than a mother, wife, daughter on our recent trip with my friend Bonnie. It made me start thinking about the value of long friendships—the ones that start before you are fully formed—for many of us college relationships--and how valuable they become in mid-life.

I have double-edged benefit of living in the same town I grew up in—it is great for so many reasons—my family is right down the road and not 1500 miles away as they are for so many of my friends, my girls go to the same schools I went to, have had some of the same teachers, walk to town on the same streets, have friends whose parents went to elementary school with me. The downside is that in so many ways my few years away from here allowed me to develop a self that felt comfortable and right to me, but as long as I am in my hometown, there is always a me that people assume they know—but she is not the only me. There is another self that developed while I was away at college—an evolving person. I liked that not quite fully-formed girl I was in college. She was a little wild, introspective, fun, competitive, sensual, sassy, funny, conflicted, smart, and far less certain of the world than she let on. She is still in my heart. She is, in fact, the person my husband fell in love with. Being with the people that knew me then is like putting on a well-worn shirt or comfortable pair of shoes—not only do they fit, but they feel good and my world becomes balanced.

As the complexities of life catch up to me, it is sometimes hard to maintain a sense of individuality—experiences are mostly based upon my relationships with the people around me. In my everyday world I am mother, wife, daughter, sister, co-worker, coach, and Mrs. Carey to those around me. Often parenthood, especially, feels like a slow erosion of self—a gradual wearing down of self. Not just the drip of responsibility but the ticking away of time. This feels especially true since the girls hit adolescence. Look at a given week during the school year and you will see soccer games, flute lessons, homework projects, school meetings, and a hundred other small things that focus on the girls, life really has become mostly about them and I am sometimes so pressed for time that I give up the few things that I do for myself—a long walk, writing, gardening—just to get things done for them.

And yet there is nothing in this world I would rather be than Megan and Ally’s mom. It is the best thing David and I have done in life—raising these two curious, smart, talented, funny, happy girls. And I will continue to sacrifice my time to see that they succeed. I remember very distinctly the point when their successes became more important than my own achievements—it is a turning point in parenthood, that juncture when your ambition for yourself becomes secondary to your desire for your children’s happiness and success. For me it was the moment in second grade when Megan’s teacher said “I can’t wait to see what she becomes…”

I know that my heart has opened to new experiences because of motherhood—it makes many of my friendships that much richer and more profound. That is why being with a friend who knows this me and remembers the not quite formed me and all the others in between is such a joy—it is a relief to not have to explain myself, to feel the history that flows between us in a thousand remembered experiences, to have the language that friends share—all the private jokes and small secrets—to be with someone who knows all the people in my past and most of those in my present, and who encourages me to be the person I like to be—that is a gift that only friendship can give.  And it means that I can be that unrestrained smart-ass that I like and she celebrates that person. She also recognizes that I am still not so sure about the world and helps me work through my own sense of uncertainty. I am so grateful for that. And for the girl she allows me to be…

My daughters got to see that girl, too. Enjoyed seeing their mom totally relaxed and laughing, poking fun at them and the world, having a blast. I will remember that girl when the long lazy days of summer give way to the whirlwind of autumn and life becomes busy once more. And I will celebrate her.

Brunell's Marina, MA



Carpe Diem Music

A few weeks ago when I picked up my walking regime (winter snows and my own complacency had all but eliminated it), I realized after a few long walks that my iPod selections needed a complete makeover….what was fine for the melancholy days of autumn was downright depressing in late February. I found myself being dragged down by the soulful renditions of Nora Jones, Sarah McLachlan, Carly Simon—all personal favorites, but my song choices were of the seriously introspective type.

About a week ago, Megan was on iTunes loading her iPod in preparation for a slumber party when I asked her to update my shuffle selections. I gave her free-reign in her choices, with the one caveat that I wanted the songs to enliven my walks.

Inviting a 14-year-old to share her music has potential dangers, especially when the music they listen to on the radio includes the likes of Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, and Lady Gaga. I have been walking to Megan’s music selections for the past week and am enjoying a unique view into my daughter’s psyche. I know these are songs that she chose for me, knowing I wanted to be inspired while exercising, but they are, at essence, her choices.

There are many proud moments in parenthood—your child is singled out by a teacher for fine work, friends and family comment on a sweet nature or nice manners, children score goals or make saves in sports, they perform on stage alone or in a group—these moments are the highlights of parenthood. David likes to call them dividends on our investment. But as your child becomes a teenager and exerts her will on you and the world, these moments become tempered by the flashes of parental frustration, bewilderment, and, yes, anger. You start to feel as if you are losing a long war of attrition, giving over a little influence with each confrontation. Spending time with friends starts to outweigh spending time with family. And the whole time you KNOW, this is normal and you tell yourself that you are lucky because this child really is, at essence, a good soul. But there are times when you love them, you just don’t LIKE them.

My glimpse at Megan through the lens of her music selections has given me faith that we’ll come through adolescence somehow understanding each other—I like her music choices for me. They are instilled with the essential existential nature of teendom—celebratory, momentary, happy. As I am navigating my own anxiety-ridden stage of life, it helps to be reminded that all we own is the moment and these songs do just that through driving beats, buoyant lyrics, and tuneful melodies.

This music has allowed me to feel hopeful about the adult Megan will become—they show an appreciation for language and melody, they are high-spirited but fortified with deep emotion, and, if they are representative of how she views the world, David and I can rest easy. In this moment….

I am happy to report that there is no Katy Perry or Lady Gaga on the list and only one Justin Bieber…maybe when this list runs its course I will invite Ally to load my iPod with her selections to see where they take me.

Beth’s Shuffle:

Good Riddance (Time of Your Life), Green Day    
Ordinary Miracle, Sarah McLachlan
Haven't Met You Yet, Michael Bublé
Your Smiling Face, James Taylor    
Dark Blue, Jack's Mannequin    
Make You Feel My Love, Adele    
Life Less Ordinary, Carbon Leaf
Bad Day, Daniel Powter
The Country Life, Peter Cincotti
Come On Get Higher, Matt Nathanson
Bubbly, Colbie Caillat    
1,2,3,4, Plain White T's   
Get It Right, Glee Cast
King of Anything, Sara Bareilles    
Up On The Roof, James Taylor
Raise Your Glass, P!nk    
Up On The Roof, Carole King & James Taylor
Yaicha, Pousette-Dart Band    
The Best Day, Taylor Swift
Viva La Vida, Coldplay    
Fix You, Straight No Chaser    
Unwritten, Natasha Bedingfield    
I'm Yours/Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Straight No Chaser
Pray (Acoustic Version), Justin Bieber    
Everything, Michael Bublé
Rock & Roll, Eric Hutchinson
Just the Way You Are, Bruno Mars
Forget You [feat. Gwyneth Paltrow], Glee Cast
Never Grow Up, Taylor Swift
The Man Who Can't Be Moved, The Script    
Marry You, Bruno Mars
Here Comes The Sun, The Beatles
Sing A Song, Earth Wind & Fire
Hey, Soul Sister, Train    
Best Days, Graham Colton
Upside Down, Jack Johnson    
Lucky (feat. Colby Calliat), Jason Mraz    
Secret O'Life, James Taylor    
Cool My Heels, Nikki Yanofsky    
Dog Days Are Over, Glee Cast    
Fallin' For You, Colbie Caillat    
My Wish, Rascal Flatts    
Live Like We're Dying, Kris Allen    
Love Like This, Natasha Bedingfield
Shower The People, James Taylor    
Loser Like Me, Glee Cast    
100 Years, Five For Fighting
Shed A Little Light, James Taylor
Hey There Delilah, Plain White T's
New Soul, Yael Naïm
If It's Love, Train    
The Only Exception, Paramore
